Tools for Writers
Tools for Writers
Over 200 free resources for writers, including help with writing, research, grammar, mechanics, writing styles, and citing sources.
Provides help and information to guide students through the entire research process.
Help with the correct way to cite your sources.
A search engine for students. Uses a google 'whitelist' to provide research related information from a list of credible sources. |
Student Resources in Context is a cross-curricular database that provides support for papers, projects, and presentations. |
Presentation Tools
Wordle is an easy-to-use tool for generating interesting word clouds from user-provided text.
Create multimedia presentations with this tool from Microsoft Office.
Mix images, text, music and video to create an interactive poster. A creative and interesting way to share information.
Prezi is a presentation tool where all information is on a single slide, unlike a PowerPoint. The presenter zooms in on different areas of the slide rather than changing slides.